This e-book is aimed at head teachers and school leaders who are considering becoming an academy or part of a multi-academy trust (MAT).
Top 6 HR considerations when transitioning to academy or MAT status
This e-book is aimed at head teachers and school leaders who are considering becoming an academy or part of a multi-academy trust (MAT).
Whether managing TUPE and the transfer of staff or addressing employee and union concerns you will be faced with a multitude of human resources questions - which if not handled carefully will have negative consequences.
The ebook covers the following areas:
Transferring staff (TUPE)
Due diligence
Proposed measures
Staff and trade union concerns
Employee engagement
As the new employer, an academy takes on the full legal responsibility for managing its staff and it is therefore important that the right policies and processes are put in place from the start.
After helping over 200 schools make the transition to academy or MAT status we have put together this human resources eBook to provide you with a guide and reference tool when converting to academy status or MAT status.
To download a free copy of our eBook, please complete the form below.
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