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List of Statutory Policies for Maintained Schools and Academies

23rd September 2019


List of Statutory Policies for Maintained Schools and Academies

The Department for Education has provided a comprehensive list of statutory policies for maintained schools and academies, including review timelines and ownership/approval level.

Policy Local-authority-maintained schools Academies Review cycle Approval level
Admission arrangements Yes Yes Annually Governing body, local authority, academy trust
Charging and remissions Yes Yes Recommended annually Governing body, individual governor or headteacher
Data protection Yes Yes Every 2 years Governing body
Protection of biometric information of children in schools and colleges Yes Yes Recommended annually Governing body
Register of pupils’ admission to school and attendance Yes Yes Live document Governing body, individual governor or headteacher
School information published on a website Yes Yes Live document Governing body, individual governor or headteacher
School complaints Yes No Recommended annually Governing body, individual governor or headteacher
Capability of staff Yes Yes Recommended annually Governing body or an individual governor
Newly qualified teachers (NQTs) Yes Yes Recommended annually Governing body
Staff discipline, conduct and grievance (procedures for addressing) Yes Yes Recommended annually For local-authority-maintained schools: governing body. For academies: governing body, individual governor or headteacher
Single central record of recruitment and vetting checks Yes Yes Live document Governing body, individual governor or headteacher
Statement of procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff Yes Yes Recommended annually Governing body
Teachers’ pay Yes No Annually Governing body or local authorities
Accessibility plan Yes Yes Every 3 years Governing body
Child protection policy and procedures Yes Yes Annually Governing body or proprietor
Children with health needs who cannot attend school Yes Yes Recommended annually Governing body
Designated teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children Yes No Recommended annually Governing body
Early years foundation stage (EYFS) Yes Yes Varies Governing body can delegate
Special educational needs and disability Yes Yes Annually Governing body or proprietor
Supporting pupils with medical conditions Yes Yes Recommended annually Governing body
Sex and relationships education Yes No Recommended annually Governing body, individual governor or headteacher
Behaviour in schools Yes Yes Recommended annually Headteacher can delegate
Behaviour principles written statement Yes No Recommended annually Governing body
School exclusion Yes Yes Recommended annually Governing body, individual governor or headteacher
Health and safety Yes Yes Annually Employer
First aid in schools Yes Yes Recommended annually Employer
Premises management documents Yes Yes Recommended annually Governing body, individual governor or headteacher
Equality information and objectives (public sector equality duty) statement for publication Yes Yes Every 4 years Governing body, individual governor or headteacher
Governors’ allowances (schemes for paying) Yes No Recommended annually Governing body, individual governor or headteacher
Instrument of government Yes No Recommended annually Governing body
Register of business interests of headteachers and governors Yes Yes Recommended annually Governing body can delegate approval subject to the local authority scheme

If your school requires assistance with compliance in areas such as single central record, premises management, teachers’ pay or health and safety call Strictly Education on 0330 123 2549 or email