List of Statutory Policies for Maintained Schools and Academies
The Department for Education has provided a comprehensive list of statutory policies for maintained schools and academies, including review timelines and ownership/approval level.
Policy | Local-authority-maintained schools | Academies | Review cycle | Approval level |
Admission arrangements | Yes | Yes | Annually | Governing body, local authority, academy trust |
Charging and remissions | Yes | Yes | Recommended annually | Governing body, individual governor or headteacher |
Data protection | Yes | Yes | Every 2 years | Governing body |
Protection of biometric information of children in schools and colleges | Yes | Yes | Recommended annually | Governing body |
Register of pupils’ admission to school and attendance | Yes | Yes | Live document | Governing body, individual governor or headteacher |
School information published on a website | Yes | Yes | Live document | Governing body, individual governor or headteacher |
School complaints | Yes | No | Recommended annually | Governing body, individual governor or headteacher |
Capability of staff | Yes | Yes | Recommended annually | Governing body or an individual governor |
Newly qualified teachers (NQTs) | Yes | Yes | Recommended annually | Governing body |
Staff discipline, conduct and grievance (procedures for addressing) | Yes | Yes | Recommended annually | For local-authority-maintained schools: governing body. For academies: governing body, individual governor or headteacher |
Single central record of recruitment and vetting checks | Yes | Yes | Live document | Governing body, individual governor or headteacher |
Statement of procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff | Yes | Yes | Recommended annually | Governing body |
Teachers’ pay | Yes | No | Annually | Governing body or local authorities |
Accessibility plan | Yes | Yes | Every 3 years | Governing body |
Child protection policy and procedures | Yes | Yes | Annually | Governing body or proprietor |
Children with health needs who cannot attend school | Yes | Yes | Recommended annually | Governing body |
Designated teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children | Yes | No | Recommended annually | Governing body |
Early years foundation stage (EYFS) | Yes | Yes | Varies | Governing body can delegate |
Special educational needs and disability | Yes | Yes | Annually | Governing body or proprietor |
Supporting pupils with medical conditions | Yes | Yes | Recommended annually | Governing body |
Sex and relationships education | Yes | No | Recommended annually | Governing body, individual governor or headteacher |
Behaviour in schools | Yes | Yes | Recommended annually | Headteacher can delegate |
Behaviour principles written statement | Yes | No | Recommended annually | Governing body |
School exclusion | Yes | Yes | Recommended annually | Governing body, individual governor or headteacher |
Health and safety | Yes | Yes | Annually | Employer |
First aid in schools | Yes | Yes | Recommended annually | Employer |
Premises management documents | Yes | Yes | Recommended annually | Governing body, individual governor or headteacher |
Equality information and objectives (public sector equality duty) statement for publication | Yes | Yes | Every 4 years | Governing body, individual governor or headteacher |
Governors’ allowances (schemes for paying) | Yes | No | Recommended annually | Governing body, individual governor or headteacher |
Instrument of government | Yes | No | Recommended annually | Governing body |
Register of business interests of headteachers and governors | Yes | Yes | Recommended annually | Governing body can delegate approval subject to the local authority scheme |
If your school requires assistance with compliance in areas such as single central record, premises management, teachers’ pay or health and safety call Strictly Education on 0330 123 2549 or email