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Teacher Industrial Action: Pay offer from the DfE and Union response

3rd April 2023


On 29th March the Unions confirmed that the DfE have offered a £1,000 one-off payment for their members this year and a 4.3 per cent pay rise for most teachers in 2023-24. The National Education Union, NASUWT and NEU suggested that its members should reject the offer.

This is on top of the 5% pay increase enforced in September when the inflation index stood at 10.1%. The government claims that this offer is fully funded, but the Unions indicate that the majority of schools would have to make cuts next year to afford it.

The Trade Unions committed to undertake consultative ballots on whether to accept the offer. On 3rd April the NEU announced that their consultative ballot rejected the offer by 98% on a turnout of 66%. The NEU, having secured a mandate for strike action for schools will write to the Secretary of State to inform her of the next two days for strike action on 27 April and 2 May.

We will keep you updated with developments.