Strictly Education’s governance and clerking experts provide a comprehensive range of training and development opportunities, which is updated on a termly basis to provide relevance, topicality and the strategic overview that governance demands. Purchasing the Governance SLA includes full subscription access, at no additional cost to Better Governor.
The Clerks’ Training and Development SLA delivers tailored professional development on a range of topical aspects of the clerks role, to ensure that they are able to provide effective support to their board.
In a world where our lives are increasingly intertwined with social media, educational institutions face a unique challenge in ensuring the safety of their pupils. Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) guidance recognises the importance of incorporating social media checks into the recruitment process. This blog explores the role of social media checks in education and how they can enhance a safer recruitment process.
Strictly Education gave us a process to follow, a timeline to work to and the confidence that we were following the correct path.
This report is packed with valuable analysis, insights and trends into current challenges faced in the education sector, as well as revealing a number of questions explored in our webinar.
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