The Role of Social Media Checks for Safer Recruitment in Education
18th June 2024 | HR | MATs/Academies | Recruitment | Safeguarding
In a world where our lives are increasingly intertwined with social media, educational institutions face a unique challenge in ensuring the safety of their pupils. Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) guidance recognises the importance of incorporating social media checks into the recruitment process. This blog explores the role of social media checks in education and how they can enhance a safer recruitment process.
Strictly Education Now Supports IRIS Ed:gen – Boost Your School's Efficiency and Communication
21st May 2024 | MIS
We're delighted to announce that the Strictly Education MIS Support Team has officially become a certified partner for IRIS Ed:gen! This means our team has completed rigorous training and testing, ensuring they possess the expertise to provide exceptional support for your school's IRIS Ed:gen needs.
Scaling Finances: 5 Key Considerations for Growing MATs
16th May 2024 | Audit | Finance | MAT | MATs | MATs/Academies
When a MAT takes on new schools, along comes new financial demands. Here's how to ensure your finances and financial processes remain robust as your trust grows.
Strategic Workforce Planning in the Education Sector
18th April 2024 | HR | MATs/Academies
Workforce planning should start with an understanding of the organisation, which means looking both externally at the evolving regulatory context and shifting pupil needs in addition to examining strategy and culture. A proactive approach can ensure that establishments have the right people in the right roles at the right time and are able to adapt to the changing needs.
Leveraging People Analytics for Strategic Decision Making in Schools and Academy Trusts
22nd March 2024 | HR | MATs/Academies | Payroll & Pensions
People analytics is a data-driven approach that empowers schools and academy trusts to adapt their human resources strategies and gain a strategic advantage. In this blog, we explore the key points and benefits of data-driven HR and leveraging people analytics in schools and academy trusts.
Metrics that Matter: Improving Strategic Decision-Making in Education
14th March 2024 | HR | MATs/Academies | Payroll & Pensions
As schools strive to meet the diverse needs of students and navigate complex challenges, the role of metrics in informing these decisions cannot be exaggerated. Metrics provide tangible data and insights that allow school leaders and HR professionals to make informed choices, driving continuous improvement and success.