The Importance of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in Schools and Multi-Academy Trusts
18th February 2024 | HR | MATs/Academies
Equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) are critical components of a healthy school culture. A focus on EDI creates a welcoming, supportive environment where every student and staff member can thrive. In this blog we'll explore the importance of EDI in schools and multi-academy trusts and why it's crucial to prioritise it in every aspect of school life.
The Role of People Strategy within Education
23rd January 2024 | HR | MATs/Academies
A comprehensive people strategy is vital to ensuring that establishments have the right individuals with the appropriate skills, knowledge, and experience in the right roles at the right time. Let's delve deeper into the significance of a people strategy in the education sector.
Prioritising Staff Wellbeing to Reduce Absence
15th December 2023 | HR | MATs/Academies
How individuals feel about their lives, including their jobs and relationships, significantly influences their overall wellbeing. Recognising the complex nature of wellbeing, numerous models have emerged in recent years to provide a comprehensive understanding of what is involved. To support staff wellbeing in the education sector, it is essential to focus on key factors that directly impact the way individuals experience their work lives.
The Impact of Staff Absence on Pupil Learning: Strategies for Improvement from an HR Perspective
22nd November 2023 | HR | MATs/Academies
In any educational institution, the presence and dedication of skilled staff are paramount to fostering a productive and conducive learning environment for students. When teachers or other essential staff are absent, it can have a profound impact on pupil learning outcomes. This blog looks at this impact and suggests strategies for improvement.
Making Sure Your School Keeps Students Safe in 2023 and Beyond
11th September 2023 | Governance | HR | Safeguarding
it's crucial to assess whether your school's safeguarding measures are effective in this ever-changing environment. Strictly Education presents a new free webinar that promises to shed light on what effective safeguarding means for schools in 2023 and beyond.
Pride Month: 6 ways to support LGBTQ+ Employees and Create an Inclusive Workplace
22nd June 2023 | HR | MATs/Academies
Pride Month, celebrated annually in June, is a celebration designed to recognise the influence of the LGBTQ+. It serves as a reminder of the importance of diversity, equal rights, and the freedom to live without discrimination. Here are 6 ways your school or academy trust can support LGBTQ+ employees and create an inclusive workplace.