Enhancing Internal Scrutiny in Academy Trusts: A Comprehensive Approach to Risk Mitigation
9th October 2023 | Internal Scrutiny | MAT | MATs
Internal scrutiny plays a crucial role in assessing controls and risk management procedures within academy trusts. It involves planning and executing a risk-based exercise that is informed by the trust's risk register. The main objective is to provide advice to the trust board and ensure the adequate identification and management of risks.
National Teaching Assistants' Day 2023
29th September 2023 | Events
National Teaching Assistants' Day is a day to recognise the hard work and dedication of teaching assistants in supporting children's education.
Strictly Education Exhibiting at Education Conferences This Autumn
18th September 2023 | Events
Conferences provide an excellent opportunity for delegates to engage with the Strictly Education team and explore how the company can support their school, college, or multi-academy trust with their administrative, financial, facilities and compliance needs.
Making Sure Your School Keeps Students Safe in 2023 and Beyond
11th September 2023 | Governance | HR | Safeguarding
it's crucial to assess whether your school's safeguarding measures are effective in this ever-changing environment. Strictly Education presents a new free webinar that promises to shed light on what effective safeguarding means for schools in 2023 and beyond.
Leadership and Governance Structure: A Catalyst for Growth or an Impediment?
11th July 2023 | MAT | MATs | MATs/Academies | Governance
How the right structure, coupled with strategic planning, can ensure the realization of your vision while driving school improvement.
How does a multi-academy trust know if its vision and strategy are aligned with its growth plan?
30th June 2023 | MAT | MATs | MATs/Academies
Several steps can be taken to ensure alignment between the vision, strategy, and growth plan of a multi-academy trust. By following these steps, a multi-academy trust can ensure that its vision and strategy remain aligned with its growth plan.