A Safeguarding INSET (In-Service Education and Training) Day for school staff is an essential component of ensuring child safety and regulatory compliance. During the INSET day, educators engage in tailored sessions that address the specific needs of their school community.
Led by experienced professionals, the sessions offer a wealth of expertise and real-life examples to enhance the understanding of participants. Educators are equipped with practical strategies to create a safe and nurturing environment for children, both within the school premises and beyond.
The tailored nature of these sessions ensures that school staff receive training that is relevant to their specific roles and responsibilities. Overall, a Safeguarding INSET Day provides educators with the tools and knowledge necessary to ensure child safety and regulatory compliance in their schools, promoting a secure and nurturing learning environment.
In a world where our lives are increasingly intertwined with social media, educational institutions face a unique challenge in ensuring the safety of their pupils. Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) guidance recognises the importance of incorporating social media checks into the recruitment process. This blog explores the role of social media checks in education and how they can enhance a safer recruitment process.
Strictly Education gave us a process to follow, a timeline to work to and the confidence that we were following the correct path.
This report is packed with valuable analysis, insights and trends into current challenges faced in the education sector, as well as revealing a number of questions explored in our webinar.
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